Partners and Mexican Leaders Coming Together To Make a Difference

August 24, 2023

Bringing leaders together

In a combined effort with the Stirling Foundation, A Child’s Hope Foundation hosted a delegation of eight amazing DIF leaders from three states in Mexico; Baja California, Nuevo León, and Jalisco. DIF stands for Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (Family’s Full Development) and is the government agency that oversees Mexico’s social services, including the care of orphans and vulnerable children.

A Child’s Hope facilitated this five-day event to accelerate the improvement of care policies for kids and create a strong network between different government agencies and nonprofit partners. This dynamic summit created a high-connection environment for participants to share ideas and opportunities.

The first event of the week was the Orphan Care Symposium. The delegates and some of our partner organizations attended; Both Ends Believing, Back2Back, The Hope Effect, Saprea, The Hope Foundation, and Utah’s Children’s Justice Center.

During the symposium, each agency and organization shared about their programs involving orphans and vulnerable children—followed by a “speed dating” session where each group of delegates met with each presenting partner to discuss the logistics of the next steps. Great and exciting conversations took place because of the direct applicability of the partners’ programs to the delegates’ needs (e.g., foster care, transitioning kids to adulthood, case management). 

The delegates were also divided into inter-state groups with a representative from A Child’s Hope, where they discussed one thing in their state that is performing well, one thing that they want to improve, and their obstacles. This semi-formal conversation allowed government peers to learn from each other and increase mutual respect. This component of the Summit afforded the delegates valuable time to strategize how they will implement this information in their state. 

This time to plan was where the mantra “unity creates strength” truly shone forth. The three delegates from Nuevo León even constructed a 6-step plan, and the delegates from Jalisco made specific assignments to turn their ideas into reality. A Child’s Hope will continue to facilitate and monitor the collaboration of representatives and partners to ensure results.

Thoughts from our Attendees

The week’s outcomes surpassed expectations, and the collaboration already blossoming is amazing. The delegates expressed the renewal of hope and confidence in not doing this great work alone. A Child’s Hope plans to capitalize on the momentum and generate real change by planning similar events in the future. 

The saying “We have allies” and “We are not alone” will remain forever in my memory because we always accompany families. Now we are accompanied by all of you. I am passing this along to my colleagues: keep doing things with love because although it is a job, we always do it that way and are now motivated.
- Martha D., DIF Nuevo León
[The partnership with A Child’s Hope is] precious, because thanks to you we managed to have this approach; otherwise we would not have had it, perhaps it would never have occurred to us to look for this support in the United States, which, being a neighboring country, we believed was distant or very foreign to our problems and processes, now we see that this is not the case, that we have many things In common and above all, we share a love for children, particularly for institutionalized children, and we seek the same goal, which is that one day we can say that we don’t need more orphanages. I am truly amazed at [ACHF’s] work, and I admire and appreciate their commitment to children.
- Gaby I., DIF Jalisco
It was great to connect with other NGOs in the orphan care space, understand the challenges they are addressing, and connect with the eight delegates from DIF. Together we can make a bigger difference.
- Joe D., The Hope Effect