
Improvement Roadmaps

Child in Family Focus – Kenya (CFFK) is a well-established NGO in Kenya. It is run by native Kenyans and has direct connections to the government of Kenya. They focus on changing policy around child welfare to be more about reintegration, spreading awareness to the public about child welfare, and providing support to children’s homes (specifically for alternative care options: reunification, foster, etc). A Child’s Hope and CFFK are collaborating to implement the Thrive Program in their network of homes.


Children Homes Served


Children Currently Supported

Child in Family Focus

The Impact

At Miale ya Tumaini Children’s Care Centre, the director is taking special care of children with special needs. One of the children that was recently admitted to the home is Naisiyae, who was rescued by the children’s officer and the CCI director from her family home. She had been abandoned in an old Manyatta (a traditional Maasai community house), left to starve by her parents. Naisiyae suffers from acute cerebral palsy, a condition attributed to her mother’s lack of postnatal care and opting for a home delivery.

After her rescue, Naisiyae was hospitalized at Ngong Level Hospital for malnutrition treatment. Following her recovery, she was admitted to the children’s home for ongoing care and protection. The caregivers worked tirelessly to ensure she regained her health, and she has since made significant progress.

The home generously extended support to Naisiyae’s mother, who was brought into the home along with three of Naisiyae’s younger siblings. Through therapy sessions, the mother has shown improvement, now able to care for her daughter independently. This is a stark contrast to her initial state of reluctance and avoidance. The entire family is undergoing therapy as part of the reunification process.

Improvement Roadmaps

Child in Family Focus

January 2024

August 2023

January 2024

July 2023

November 2022

November 2023

June 2023

December 2022

April 2024

November 2023

June 2023

August 2023

March 2023