While families provide the most stable and cost-effective means of caring for orphaned and vulnerable children, we recognize that other arrangements need to be made for children who may have been removed from the streets or from abusive or neglectful parents. There can be many complications for governments, orphanages, and children as each move towards the ideal of a stable and loving family. We work to support those who are helping children in any stage of this process.
One of the ways we carry out our mission to help children in vulnerable situations is through the Thrive Program. The program helps homes assess how they are fulfilling the needs of the children in their care. The Thrive Program consists of three main parts:
Thrive Assessment
Every 6 months, a guided self-assessment is administered in a children’s home by Deployment Partners (organizations on the ground that partner with A Child’s Hope). This assessment helps partner homes evaluate how well they are doing in relation to the 15 Rights of a Child or “standards of care.”
Improvement Roadmaps
A documented plan developed after the Thrive Assessment that clearly outlines needs, priorities, and next steps for a home to progress.
Child Advancement Priorities (CAP)
These funds are used to help homes provide ongoing support for children in the areas of therapy, tutoring, caregiver support, and family placement.
Benefits of the Thrive Program
Magnifies Impact
The Thrive Program builds trust by implementing regular reports and reviews, which demonstrate results and progress within a home. This helps donors and partners of children’s homes know that their support actually helps kids in need.
Strengthens Home Directors
The Thrive Program helps overwhelmed and under-resourced directors succeed as leaders by providing peer coaching and partnership connections and Improvement Roadmaps for each home.
Helps Children Heal From Trauma
Because many children have previously been neglected or abused, these tools can help caregivers and leaders consider how to implement various resources so each child can heal, learn, and grow to become thriving adults.