
Improvement Roadmaps

Every Orphan’s Hope is a ministry centered on helping children in Zambia progress to adulthood with a strong faith and a loving home. They operate three types of homes for babies, families, and young adults. They work to reunify children with their birth families and help them find permanent homes with mothers and up to seven other siblings if reunification is not possible. A Child’s Hope and Every Orphan’s Hope are collaborating to implement the Thrive Program in two of the homes in the network.


Children Homes Served


Children Currently Supported

Every Orphan’s Hope

The Impact

Maurice is a very tender-hearted child. He became part of Every Orphan’s Hope’s family homes in June 2019, when he was 8 years old. As an only child with a troubled mother, Maurice was under the care of a grandmother struggling to meet his needs. Upon entering the family home, Maurice displayed signs of delayed social and cognitive development. His resilience shone through as he adapted to a stable family environment for the first time.

It became evident that Maurice required specialized attention due to his unique needs. The Thrive program has been instrumental in complimenting the support provided by Every Orphan’s Hope family home program. Through programs suggested by the Thrive Program such as basic math assessments, psychological evaluations, psychotherapy, and trauma-informed care, Maurice and other children like him receive the tailored assistance they need to flourish.

Improvement Roadmaps

April 2024

October 2023

May 2024

November 2023