
Improvement Roadmaps

The Association of Orphanages and Homes Operators in Nigeria (ASOHON) is an organization that seeks to promote and protect the rights of vulnerable children across the country. They work with government organizations to raise the standard of care for children. We are collaborating with them to implement the Thrive Program in the homes in their network.


Children Homes Served


Children Currently Supported

Association of Orphanages and Homes Operators in Nigeria

The Impact

At Kingdom Kids Klub, the home identified specific needs through the Thrive Program. They were able to build a new kitchen and sink for the home and purchase new tanks to store water. 

The children were so happy with this improvement and expressed how easy it made their lives in the home. Before the tanks were installed, the children would have to go out of the compound to fetch water because the home’s supply was unreliable. The kids were also excited to have a break from bending over to wash dishes in the kitchen. 

“We thank God for using good people to bless our home. Thank you for your generosity and support in making our home more comfortable for the kids we serve”

Improvement Roadmaps


December 2023

May 2024

November 2023

April 2024

October 2023

February 2024

March 2024